(To see more maps in this series, view all Libya articles.)
Research by Djordje Djukic. Map by onestopmap.com, Evan Centanni, and Djordje Djukic.

But for the time being, the lines of control between former opposing military forces remain in place, and we've made some adjustments to the map based on newly-available information.
See all this and more on the latest update to PolGeoNow's concise, professional Libya control map, which comes with a timeline of changes since our previous Libya control map report of June 21, 2020.
This map and report are premium content available to paid subscribers of the PolGeoNow Conflict Mapping Service.
Want to see before you subscribe? Check out our most recent FREE SAMPLE Libya map!
Exclusive report includes:
- Up-to-date map of current territorial control in Libya, color-coded for forces aligned with the former Government of National Accord (GNA), Khalifa Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA), the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS/ISIL), and Toubou and Tuareg militias in the south. Colorblind accessible.
- Detailed indication of city-by-city control, including key towns and other locations important to current events.
- Detailed timeline of important events and changes to territorial control since June 21, 2020, with links to sources.
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